/var/1wire/bus.0/interface/statistics/errors: 359
/var/1wire/bus.0/interface/statistics/select_errors: 359
turning on debug on owfs with "--error_print 1 --error_level 5"
Then you get to see things like this:
Jan 6 14:00:37 ubuntu OWFS[32423]: DEBUG: ow_bus_data.c:BUS_send_data(38) Response doesn't match data sent
but this doesnt tell me what branch is at fault main/aux
So i edited the following file in the source code and recompiled
on line 178 change this to:
LEVEL_DEBUG("Selecting subbranch %d on " SNformat, bp->branch, SNvar(bp->sn));
Then you can get better debugging like this
# awk '/Selecting subbranch/{A=$0;getline;if(/Response doesn/){print A; print $0}}' /var/log/syslog
Jan 6 15:18:58 ubuntu OWFS[8357]: DEBUG: ow_select.c:BUS_select_subbranch(178) Selecting subbranch 0 on 1F 8F 67 05 00 00 00 B6
Jan 6 15:18:58 ubuntu OWFS[8357]: DEBUG: ow_bus_data.c:BUS_send_data(38) Response doesn't match data sent
0 = main
1 = aux
of which i get 10s if not 100s of lines
To tidy this up i used a nice awk one-liner
$ awk '/Selecting subbranch [01] on/{A=$0;getline;if(/Response doesn/){print substr(A,82)}}' /var/log/syslog | sort | uniq
Selecting subbranch 0 on 1F 8F 67 05 00 00 00 B6
Selecting subbranch 0 on 1F D6 65 05 00 00 00 8D
Selecting subbranch 1 on 1F 8F 67 05 00 00 00 B6
Selecting subbranch 1 on 1F D6 65 05 00 00 00 8D
Selecting subbranch 0 on 1F 8F 67 05 00 00 00 B6
Selecting subbranch 0 on 1F D6 65 05 00 00 00 8D
Selecting subbranch 1 on 1F 8F 67 05 00 00 00 B6
Selecting subbranch 1 on 1F D6 65 05 00 00 00 8D
So know i know which two couplers are playing up but unfortunately its both main and aux.
Now to sort that out...
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